Print Ad Enhancements
Cover Tip-On
Advertiser-furnished single-sheet is glue-tipped to our cover for maximum broadcast of your ad message. Front/back messaging allowed. The tip-on also includes the QSR nameplate and mailing label.
- $13,500 NET
- Printing, if needed,
is additional and
must be quoted - March Double Issue $16,200
- Unavailable in May

Feature Sponsor
Increase the effectiveness of your ad by guaranteeing placement with many of our best features. Ads are placed opposite our cover story either in a “roll-fold” or “gate-fold” format. The magazine literally falls open to your ad message. Ensures the highest visibility of your advertising.
- Rates:
- Roll-fold with single ad page $9,800
- Gate-fold with double ad page $13,500
- Printing included in these prices

QSR accepts inserts of various sizes, including postcard size, full single sheet, and multi-page supplements. Because weight of the piece varies postal rates, larger size inserts require a quote from your representative. Multi-page supplements are typically tipped to a page or may require tipping to a special carrier card.
- Postcard, $1,750
- All other, quote on request
Printing and production, if necessary, will be quoted based on the specifications of the piece.
Furnished Multi-page Supplements
Furnished Multi-page Supplements that are supplied pre-printed by you can be affixed into the pages of QSR either by glue-tipping to a page or glue-tipped to a special carrier card. Costs are based largely on the weight of the piece and the bind-in process required. Furnished supplements can also be loose poly-bagged with the magazine.
Quote on request