Print: The Best of Both Worlds

We hear it every month: restaurant leaders clamor to be featured in the pages of QSR magazine. Print remains a wonderful place to see and be seen.
This goes for marketers, as well. Print simply can’t be beat for branding.
QSR print has a digital element as well. Because the measurability and lead-generation capabilities of digital are incredibly important, the two can and should be used as complementary marketing partners. Every print advertising opportunity in QSR magazine has a digital component to give your print buy the best of both worlds.
Join the readers and leaders of the limited-service world.
The “Blockbuster” Issues

QSR/FSR Industry-wide Issue
March / We join our sister publication in examining that crossover space between quick serve and full serve. No matter which concept you run, there are lessons to be learned from other operational types. 50,000+ circulation.

Emerging Chains: 40 Brands Under 40 Units
February / We profile some of the hottest up-and-coming brands in limited service. These are the growth brands of the future!

National Restaurant Association Show
MAY / Meet, see, learn, and play at the 2023 edition of the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago. Coverage and bonus distribution.

The QSR 50
AUGUST / Our ranking of the top 50 chains, with stories behind the numbers and segment breakdowns.
Restaurant Equipment & Technology
Featured twice annually in the pages of QSR, you’ll find the latest in restaurant equipment and more. Restaurant Equipment & Technology advertisers receive a two-page featurette/ad for a modest ad buy, plus posting online of the featurette with lead gen. Learn more

Restaurant Franchising
Twice a year, reach the operators who are most likely to be your next franchisee. Restaurant Franchising advertisers enjoy a two-page featurette/ad plus posting online of the featurette with lead gen. Learn more