Custom Print Solutions
With QSR Custom Print Solutions, we combine the power of print with the distribution capabilities of digital to create messaging built around you.
By matching your marketing ambitions with our award-winning journalism capabilities and in-depth knowledge of what resonates with our readers, we create content that will captivate our readers and spur them to action.
Includes Digital Distribution
All of our print custom products receive digital distribution, and we pass along leads generated from all vehicles. Distribution channels vary by product, and are outlined below.
Sponsor Directed Editorial

Here’s your chance to establish a voice in the industry as a thought leader. Topic and content are agreed upon by the client and the QSR editorial staff.
Two format choices:
VENDOR DIRECTED COLUMN Written by a QSR editor, a Vendor Directed Column provides an opportunity to highlight the work of your company. We ensure the final editorial product meets the highest standards of journalism and thus reflects most favorably upon the author and represented company. See Sample
VENDOR GUEST Q&A Also written by a QSR editor, the Vendor Guest Q&A is an opportunity for a member of your company to be interviewed by us in a Q&A format. Q&As are published in QSR magazine and create a unique format in which to tell your story. See Sample
Other features of the Vendor Guest Column include:
- Material must be credible and non-promotional
- Runs a full page with no other advertising
- Interviewee bio blurb
- Placement is at the sole discretion of the publisher
- Posted on QSRmagazine.com website
- Promotion in custom-content e-newsletter
- Featured on custom content table of contents
Rate: $6,950 NET
Two-Page Featurette/Ad
Includes an ad page opposite of a reported story written about a topic agreed upon by the client and QSR’s custom team. Written by the QSR custom content team, the editorial page may include a combination of textual content, photography, or artwork.

Topics may be far-ranging, and featurettes may be included in any issue of the magazine.
Features of the Two-Page Featurette/Ad include:
- Client-approved editorial content; design of featurette is at the discretion of QSR
- Placement is at the sole discretion of the publisher
- Promotion in custom-content e-newsletter
- Ad supplied print-ready by client
- Client receives a PDF of the layout for re-distribution
- Featured on custom content table of contents
Rate: For Spread $9,400 NET
See a SampleFour-Page Vendor Feature/Ad Fold-out
Offers the opportunity to do in-depth reporting not available with shorter pieces. In addition, the extra pages allow our art team to get creative with your layout, resulting in a high-impact visual piece. Topic, sources, data, photos, and artwork are supplied by the client. The piece is written by the QSR custom content team and designed by the QSR art department.
Unique in this piece is that it can include a two- or three-page story and rides with additional ad page(s) adjoining for a total of four pages.

Other features include:
- Client review/input of feature content
- Design of content is at the discretion of QSR, with review by client
- Ad supplied print-ready by client
- PDF provided
- Runs in QSR magazine
- Featured on custom content table of contents
- Available on QSR magazine.com
- Promotion in custom-content e-newsletter
- PDF provided
Rate: $13,500 net

Enhanced digital presentation of larger-format custom content
All 4-page foldouts and 8- and 12-page supplements enjoy a beautifully presented web presence created by our skilled design team. SEE A SAMPLE