Custom Supplements
Sponsored Premium Reports
Sponsored Premium Reports that packs a one-two punch that’s a winner.
First, the QSR editorial team creates a purely editorial report on a topic that is mutually agreed upon with the sponsor.
Next, the sponsor supplies its own content around the same subject, up to eight PDF pages in length. These reports are then marketed via email and are available for download.
These free downloads require full contact information from the recipient, which is then passed along to the sponsor as a lead.
- Here’s what you get:
- Lead generation of all download contact information
- Inclusion and branding on every page of the report
- Our editorial content of a minimum of 16 pages
- Up to 8 pages of your own branded content
- Deep dive into your own information
- Rights to distribute the report on your website and in other ways
Rate: $19,000
Targeted Supplements
Custom Supplements are free-standing publications that are bound into the pages of QSR magazine with an issue and mailed.
A Custom Supplement is written and produced by the QSR editorial and design team and enjoys both print and digital distribution. As the exclusive, single sponsor of a topically written package, you can be assured of being singled out as the leading expert on the topic at hand. A Custom Supplement includes:

- Sponsor review/input of QSR editorial; approval of sponsor quotes and company information
- Targets 50/50 ad to editorial ratio
- Extensive branding throughout
- Can be multi-story format
- Credible, high value information for readers, strong promotional content for clients
- Printing included (45-lb #5 paper)
- Digital formatting
- Extensive distribution via digital outlets
- 250 copies for sponsor use
- Lead generation
- 8 pages: $19,000
- 12 pages $28,000
Quotes for additional pages upon request.